25 April 2016, ECHA states that the new version IUCLID (International Uniform Chemical Information Database) - IUCLID 6, will be released on 29 April and the updated R4BP 3, the dossier submission tool, is expected to launch at 5 July.
IUCLID 6 provides a new software architecture that allows the implementation of new end-user functionalities that could not be created by simply developing IUCLID 5 further. The revisions of the software architecture also enhance a number of non-functional requirements that were identified as potential weaknesses in IUCLID 5. Enhancements have been made in the following areas:
- Ease of Use: the creation of a version of IUCLID aimed at SMEs that is easier to install
- Security: the definition of a new user access policy to documents
- Interoperability: the definition of new services and plug-in architecture
- Extensibility: new approach to data storage
- Reliability: the use of transactional operations in the database
- Portability: re-definition of the existing IUCLID 5 versions
- Scalability: increase the data capacity beyond that possible with IUCLID 5
Performance: improvements in large-scale data instances
The updated R4BP 3 ONLY accept dossiers established by IULCID 6, hence, if company would like to submit BPR dossier in July, please remember updating IUCLID 5 to IUCLID 6.
According to ECHA, if enterprise wants to submit the BPR dossier during 21 June to 5 July which two weeks R4BP 3 will be updated, the following two methods are recommended:
1. Submit the biocides dossier in R4BP 3 before 21 June. Enterprise can then download the new IUCLID 6 and upgrade the IUCLID 5 files to the IUCLID 6 format with the help of the migration tool available. And then company will be able to submit BPR dossiers, in the IUCLID 6 format, after 5 July.
2. Download IUCLID 6 before 21 June and upgrade the IUCLID 5 files for REACH to the IUCLID 6 format. At the same time enterprise can continue working on BPR data in IUCLID 5 until the R4BP 3 update on 5 July. After that, any modified or newly created BPR datasets can be exported from IUCLID 5 and imported to IUCLID 6.
If you have any question, please contact us at Service@cirs-reach.com
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