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Taiwan, China
New Environmental Monitoring Requirements have been established, and the scope and obligations of the review have been clarified.
Taiwan's Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Ministry of Labor (OSHA) has revised the GHS classification standards CNS 15030 based on the 8th version of GHS, involving 22 documents covering chemical classification and labeling-General Principles. If relevant enterprises have any opinions, they should submit them no later than June 16.
Taiwan's Ministry of Labor (MOL) released a draft amendment of Regulations for Governing Designating and Handling of Priority Management Chemicals.
On July 11, 2023, Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration released the draft amendments on Permit Registration and Approval Regulations for Toxic and Concerned Chemical Substances.
On June 14, 2023, Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan of Taiwan, China released an announcement on revising Article 2 and 3 of Standards for Air Pollutant Emission from Stationary Pollution Sources.
On March 24, 2023, Taiwanese Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) released the Guidance on Phrase 1 Registration of New and Existing Chemical Substances (Version 1) (hereinafter referred to as the “Guidance”). The Guidance aims to explain relevant provisions of the Regulation of New and Existing Chemical Substances Registration to help registrants complete registrations. Earlier in August 2015, Taiwan’s EPA implemented the Guidelines for the Registration of New and Existing Chemical Substances (hereinafter referred to as the "Guidelines"). In the past 8 years, many problems have been encountered and some testing standards have also been updated. Considering these problems and the increasing suggestions from the industry, Taiwan’s EPA hereby made the revisions.
On January 12, 2023, Taiwan’s Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) supplemented a total of 15 chemical substances to the concerned chemical list in the following three categories: Five substances with concerns about food safety risks; Two new psychoactive substances (NPS); and Eight explosive precursors.
On September 19 2022, the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) of Taiwan, China released the draft Guidance on Phrase 1 Registration of New and Existing Chemical Substances in accordance with the requirements of the Regulations on Registration of New and Existing Chemical Substances (the “Registration Regulations”), and the draft Guidance for Hazards and Exposures Assessment of Chemical Substances that specifies provisions on the Phrase 1 and 2 registration of new and existing chemical substances. They are now available for download on the registration platform and also for public consultation.
On September 8, 2022, the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) of Taiwan released a public consultation on adding 15 chemical substances to the concerned chemical substances list in the following three categories: New Psychoactive Substances (NPS); Substances with Concerns about Food Safety Risks; and Explosive Precursors. Moreover, it specifies the management and regulation of activities such as production, import, sale, use, storage, and transportation. The period for public comments will last 14 days.
The Toxic and Chemical Substances Bureau, Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan, (Taiwan, China) released the amendments to articles of the Regulation for the Labeling and Materials Safety Data Sheets for Toxic and Concerned Chemical Substances on July 21, 2022.